Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Through The Storm.

I started teaching at my new school a couple of weeks ago, and I feel like I'm just starting to settle in. After nine years at my last school, it has been quite a change. Different methods, procedures, texts, classes, students, culture and so on.

My new colleagues have been fantastic - very encouraging, giving and supportive. I've been able to ask them for advice and help as I get up to speed with what's being taught. I came in to teach a couple of classes in the very last week before their assessment, which meant I not only had to read and comprehend the texts in a matter of days, but also had to look at what they'd been taught and what was expected from them.

But I feel like I'm (almost) on top of it all now.

In writing news, I don't have much to offer at the moment. The change of school has meant writing has taken a back seat for the past month, although I plan to get some new writing done shortly. I have a story due for publication in Outposts of Beyond next week and another story due for publication in Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine anytime now.

I also had a story placed on hold for further consideration a couple of days ago, which is really exciting - or at least it will be if it is purchased.

All in all, life is pretty good. And although I fear change, I think I'm adapting to my new surroundings rather well.

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