A lot of people seem to be talking about how much time they have to read, or to watch Netflix, or simply to take up a new hobby. Sometime I wish I had that much free time.
I am extremely fortunate to be working in an area that is in demand. I commenced this role in Digital Education only a few weeks before lockdown. Not only did I have the learning curve that accompany most new jobs, but we had a short period of time to get programmes online, and to do it while working from home.
I'm thrilled I am part of a supportive and encouraging team.
I have learned a lot in the past couple of months, and I continue to learn everyday. Which is great, it is setting me up well for my future. I have a broad range of new practical skills to support my experience and education. And it all looks great on a CV - not that I have any plans to move anywhere soon.
I am pelased I have been furloughed, or placed on leave. But wouldn't it be nice just to have one extra day a week off? Then maybe I could start watching some of those series on my list.
Oh well, back to work. I have an issue with some videos that won't upload properly.