Thursday, April 26, 2012


Boy, that came out of the blue!

I certainly didn't expect to be nominated for Best New Talent in this year's Ditmar Awards. Thank you to all those who voted. And congratulations to Jo Anderton and Alan Baxter, who also happen to be shortlisted with me. Both writers produce great pieces, and are really cool in person.

I also need to mention my crit buddy, David McDonald, who has been nominated for the William Atheling Jr Award, as part of a team alongside Tansy Rayner Roberts and Tehani Wessely. Well done and congratulations.

And congratulations to everyone else who made the list. It's great to be recognised and receive validation by being shortlisted at national level. I, for one, really appreciate it.


parlance said...

Congratulations! I usually lurk around your blog in the darkness, but I've stepped into the light for a moment to wish you luck. As you say, this sort of validation is worth a million dollars. (To the ego, that is, not to the wallet.)

Steve Cameron said...

Thanks. And thanks de-lurking. It is validation, and gives me that little boost when I need it. Certainly helped me face parent-teacher interviews tonight.....