Sunday, November 6, 2011

Three - Two - One - Liftoff!

I flew up to Sydney for the weekend in order to be present at the Anywhere But Earth launch. (check out Greenspace's photos of the event)

The launch was programmed during the NSW Speculative Fiction Festival, held at the Writers Centre. My wife decided to accompany me and so we signed up for the day's panels. And what a great day it was. The panels were fantastic, the people were nice and the centre and its grounds were amazing.

I met a bunch of new folk, caught up with a lot of others and had a splendid evening at The Three Weeds chatting, drinking ale and eating fish and chips.

The highlight for me, however, was the launch of Anywhere But Earth. Keith Stevenson did a great job (as he did with the book) with readings by Margo Lanagan, Alan Baxter and Richard Harland.

And if those names don't make you buy the book, don't forget I'm in there too.

We had a fantastic weekend in Sydney, as we always do.  Of course it's always lovely to come home.

On another note, I've had a few people mention to me that they have been having trouble commenting on my posts. I've sent an enquiry to blogger, but it might be you, not me.

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