Sunday, November 30, 2014

A Good Week.

I've sold a story to Aurealis, and I'm very excited by that.

Now this is something I've wanted for a very long time. I have previously submitted there, but not for a long time. I was never quite sure my writing was right for Aurealis. This time, however, I had a story I thought might suit them and I'm thrilled they agreed. I have no idea when it's slated for publication but I will post that information here as soon as I know.

And, of course, this week I had a story published in The Best of Galaxy's Edge, edited by Mike Resnick. Yeah, I'm still grinning from that one too.

And I received word that an anthology, which has one of my stories in it, is moving closer to fruition.

And I had my 500th blogpost.

What a great week. Yup, everything's moving ahead here at Chateau Cameron.

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